Skiing with friends from all around the world.
In pursuit of my dreams I have been very blessed to travel to some incredible places and meet the most amazing humans on the planet! ...
Getting invited to Compete at the XGAMES is a freeskier’s dream come true. Until freesking was included into the Olympics in 2014 the...
Southern Alps
Although I am an Australian I am very blessed to have lived part of may life in the Southern Alps of New Zealand. I grew up on the sandy...
Marrying my best friend and Olympic coach
Marrying my best friend and Olympic coach: pic of us on chairlift. My love for Freeskiing not only introduced me to some incredible life...
Border Collie Ajax
Border Collie Ajax and where the name came from: They say a girl’s best friend are diamonds, I think that who ever “they” is totally...
What is a Freeskier?
To me, freeskiing is embodied by those amazing moments slashing around the mountain on your skis, free from any constraints, free to “let...
Art in Action
Art and how it derives from freesking and the mountains ( Art in Action) Three of my favourite things in life are skiing, adventuring in...
Colorado and the PNW
Travelling Between Travelling Between and how it has benefited my life and passion for the mountains as a freeskier. Skiing in New...
Big Dreams
I was always a very ambitious kid…when I was five, I wanted to be a mermaid, as I loved the ocean so much. At seven years old I came to...