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Freeesking with my Brother

I was lucky to grow up with a live-in adventure buddy. My brother and I may not have started out as best friends, but in between sibling squabbles we always came together to come up with fun things to do, whether imagined or actuated. As youngsters we spent a lot of our waking hours on the trampoline together, coming up with new ways to catapult each other higher and higher, in order to get more airtime to learn new tricks. We would pretend we could fly and imagined that one-day we would join the circus as acrobats on the trapeze. I never could have imagined that one day we would actually be performing tricks in front of an audience. Sometimes freeski competitions did feel a bit like a circus act, for better or worse, and so it was always nice to have my brother by my side to cheer me on and encourage me. He has always been a great travel companion and its pretty awesome to look back at all the incredible places we’ve been to, amazing people we’ve met, and extraordinary experiences we have shared together.

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